About Me

I name my blog Hajin the Hermit because, unsurprisingly, I revere the many qualities of a hermit. By definition, a hermit is a person who lives in seclusion from society, usually for religious reasons. However, I define hermit as a traveler, voyager, seeker and wanderer for the discovery of oneself. Though I am not a devout Catholic (I often skip mass in trade of extra sleep), my observation has led me to an impression that in most cases, people practice religion to understand humans and ultimately themselves. Thus hermits can be seen as those in a quest to find the elemental truth of their existence. The only difference between a hermit and a traveler is that hermits attempt to empty their troubles in re worldly obsessions, which would explain why they are often stuck in isolated dwellings such as a cell or a cave.

As a hermit residing in the misty mountains of Tae-Gii, I am constantly contemplating on who I am. Though I cannot reach the universal truth of all beings, I hope to at least narrow down my personality (if not shape it), ability (if there exists any), field of interest, and some other. In such an attempt I have made small but adventurous trials to “know thyself”. Ever since middle school, I had been into Chemistry. Part of the reason why I chose to study chemistry(between the four natural sciences) was because I was unsure of trying out Physics. At the start of freshman year, I decided to take SAT Physics. Although it took a lot of effort to catch up, I realized that I should not make prejudices and confine myself. Now, I am less afraid to try something new. I have recently studied Economics, Computer Science, American Literature, and other new subjects. I hope to advance my journey of looking for myself(actually, I think finding oneself equals shaping oneself, but I will cover this matter in another article), and I will post the progress so that those who are interested to know me can keep up to date with my adventure.

Favorite song on the date of posting: Michael Buble "It's a beautiful day"


  1. Again, I like the little endings with random, yet complementary tidbits. Why not put the actual video in the post? Then your reader can hear it.

    Great concept for the blog, and much of the above could easily be a college essay in terms of tone and personal focus. It is never too early to accidentally write a college essay, as seniors often put so much pressure on the task that they end up writing flat narratives that are trying too hard. Don't be afraid to continue your journey of academic discovery well into your second or even third year of an undergrad (maybe at a liberal arts college). Far too many KMLA students feel a need to define themselves as a "_____ kid" (insert field) and they often end up pretending to be something they are not that passionate about. Have fun with your blog.


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