
The Notebook: a notebook of ideas and observations, pieces of conversations and events, and writing something in it every day.


A smell

Reading Dumbledore's illuminator as a kid, I was struck by a deep desire to be accepted to Hogwarts, not just to learn Wingardium Leviosa, but to be mentioned in Dumbledore's will and inherit an illuminator, too.

What if there was a tempusator, storing time? The time spent waiting in line at the white, hushed bank could be saved for a green and chattery walk with a friend. What if there was an aromator, storing smell? And for taste? These will help trigger Proust effect in daily lives. The senses are doorways to lost memories. I am comprised of the memories of Vancouver's forests, my sister's tickle attack, and yesterday's Vietnamese noodle. The aromator would prevent memories from ebbing away, perhaps even bringing self awareness.

But to think of it, I wasn't sure if the plethora of photos were doing much good to the world. Selfies and Foodies are often never again looked at. Taking photos deters tourists from savoring the country deeply, understanding it. In museums and galleries, I am sometimes too absorbed in taking photos to see the actual artifacts and artworks. I could have seen better photos online.

Nowadays, we've got so much time. We don't have to make everything by ourselves, and knowledge is easier to acquire. But how have we gotten so busy? Skipping meals and reducing sleep-what's more basic to the human need than that? The tempusator may not bring us much difference, if not bad. The Industrial Revolution would have been better not happened, Mom says.

Much things are better cherished when scarce. Maybe I'll let Ron Weasley have the illuminator instead.


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