
Select Shops

All individuals each own a select shops. Sort of like a memory palace, but with purpose and organization. These shops do not regularly go through seasonal collections, but feature the unique history of the shop owner's with various collections. They are constantly updated with books read, people met, and conversations mixed. Select stop owners attend fashion shows to see different styles and purchase clothes from large scale sellers. I breeze through articles, music, history, and venture out to explore different fields of academics. Longer dwelt thoughts and experiences become ‘collections’, often with ‘lines’ clothes, diverse but with recognizable pattern. Some clothes are fast fashion: they are information collected for short-term purposes, not for the collection itself. They last only in short-term memory. Sometimes, however, passing interests and sparks remain in the back storage of the shop, waiting to be remembered and added in another collection as an identifying piece. The owner does not notice it, but it sticks somewhere in the back of the head.

The select shop is the shop owner's home. When an information enters the mind, the owner processes it and defines in his own style and trend.


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