
2019.03.27 (note from)

Justice is but a made up concept to deceptively wrap up reward psychology and vengeance. Had we been more self-reflective and understanding, we would generously forgive the things that we indignantly criticize, and not obsess to retain what is ours.

"So you're saying that someone who's been unjustly robbed of his property shouldn't ask for compensation/punishment?" One might wonder. This would, I think, be an example, that is seemingly more justified in the spectrum of cases in which people apply justice.

adj. (of a person's character) softened or matured by age or experience.

In this definition by Google, "softened" and "matured" are used as interchangeable qualities.

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2019.09.26 (now)

There is no good or bad. 1) actions with good intentions often lead to bad consequences. 2) as Kant said, if one feels self-satifcation after doing a "good" deed, that is not a "good", because you used others as a tool for your own happiness. 3) etc.

If I actually do something "good" and complacently feel satisfaction and mention it to others, that would not be a "good". The only distinction that exists, I think, is what makes me feel happy and what makes me feel less happy.

KMLA 26th Judicial Council
(person on the far right: me)
(yes it's irony)


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