
Showing posts from February, 2018

I remember

          I remember I remember the summer warmth spreading Through the bluest sky one will never breathe. I remember the summer rays shining On the greenest grass one will never tread. I remember the summer breeze lazy, enchanting, An everlasting charm, a dream, a sleep That the one will never wake from, because Reminiscence is the last vivid bliss A farewell to the fading summer Of one who will be sorely missed ---------------------------------------------------------- Interpretation: In this poem, the narrator is cherishing the last summer of the “one”, the someone that she loved. The narrator remembers the summer’s warm, blue sky- but the person she loves will never be able to breath it. The narrator remembers the summer’s green grass- but the one will never again step on it. The narrator remembers the summer’s lazy breeze, but it is actually putting the loved one to sleep, hanging in the air as the one dies. All the narrator can do is rem

About Me

I name my blog  Hajin the Hermit  because, unsurprisingly, I revere the many qualities of a hermit. By definition, a hermit is a person who lives in seclusion from society, usually for religious reasons. However, I define hermit as a traveler, voyager, seeker and wanderer for the discovery of oneself. Though I am not a devout Catholic (I often skip mass in trade of extra sleep), my observation has led me to an impression that in most cases, people practice religion to understand humans and ultimately themselves. Thus hermits can be seen as those in a quest to find the elemental truth of their existence. The only difference between a hermit and a traveler is that hermits attempt to empty their troubles in re worldly obsessions, which would explain why they are often stuck in isolated dwellings such as a cell or a cave. As a hermit residing in the misty mountains of Tae-Gii, I am constantly contemplating on who I am. Though I cannot reach the universal truth of all beings, I h